How to help clients diagnose and overcome burnout


Professionals sometimes find themselves feeling disengaged at work or, worse, facing burnout without understanding the origin of their exhaustion and dissatisfaction. To help these individuals identify the underlying issues and reignite their passion for their job, a coach will often lean on specific, tried-and-true techniques to guide a client in diagnosing the problem and then fixing it.

Below, 18 Forbes Coaches share valuable insights into how they help their clients prioritize their own well-being to sustain their drive and motivation. Read on to learn how these coaches empower their clients to take control, revitalize themselves and improve their overall work experience.

1. Using Visualization

I use visualization in coaching to provide a way for clients to “zoom out” and gain a fresh perspective. I asked them to imagine a time when they felt fully engaged, happy, and energized. We then explore the reasons behind these feelings to help them understand their motivations and drivers. This then serves as a starting point for identifying the necessary changes needed in their current situation. - Neshica Bheem, Coachfluence

2. Asking Well-Crafted Questions

Asking questions and listening are at the heart of helping employees understand their own motivations, challenges, and expectations. Learning how to ask well-crafted questions that prompt critical thinking is an art and takes practice. Managers can practice by going into any conversation and challenging themselves to ask questions the entire time. You can have full conversations by asking questions. - Susan Madsen, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

3. Revisiting Values

If a client feels disengaged or burnt out, I’d have them revisit their values. What values are being honored at work and in their personal life? Or, more importantly, which values are being disregarded? Our values are present when we feel happiest. If we’re not feeling good, we’re usually not living in alignment with what matters most to us. Our energy can wane, impacting myriad areas of life. - Rosie Guagliardo, InnerBrilliance Coaching

4. Ruling Out Boredom

“What are you enjoying learning right now?” That’s usually the first question I ask. Boredom sometimes masquerades as burnout. When we’re not learning and growing in our own way, it’s hard to stay engaged and energized. - Chris Gaither, Regenerous

5. Looking Within At Tolerations

The answer always lies within. To access this, I‘d start with a few questions. “How is this currently manifesting or showing up for you?” You can be disengaged but not necessarily be on the verge of burnout. “What is it you are tolerating in these areas?” Tolerations in areas where you are not feeling the joy tend to become energy drains. This is quite common in people who have trouble saying “no.” - Cellene Hoogenkamp, KokuaHub Inc

6. Exploring Expectations Versus Reality

If a client feels disengaged at work, I would listen, clarify my understanding with the client and ask questions to explore their expectations versus their current reality. Once the client defines the gap based on what they know to be true, I can partner with them to explore actions they want to take to effect change. - Karen Tracy, Dr. Karen A Tracy, LLC

7. Conducting A Gap Analysis

The feeling of dissatisfaction often arises when one does not witness tangible outcomes despite investing significant effort. It is crucial to establish tangible and attainable goals accompanied by a well-structured, phased plan. Conduct a gap analysis to identify the steps for initiating change. In essence, the key lies in setting appropriate expectations and focusing on small, feasible goals. - Shruti Parashar, GOALisB

8. Clarifying What The Client Wants

When you’re not clear about what you want and envision that working hard will get you to “Success Street,” you can hustle and grind and then be disappointed with the outcome. Asking questions about what a client wants and why it matters, what’s working and not working regarding their expectations of success, and what they were promised will allow them to identify where to make shifts. - Lisa Marie Platske, Upside Thinking, Inc.

9. Focusing On Intrinsic Motivators

To help a client who is feeling disengaged or burnt out, focus on intrinsic motivators. Explore meaningful tasks aligned with their interests, values, and passion. Help them connect their passion with a sense of purpose and ownership for a fulfilling work experience. Realigning their work with these motivators will help reignite engagement, fulfillment, and a sense of well-being. - Anna Barnhill, Barnhill Group Consulting, Inc

10. Reflecting On Factors Contributing To Exhaustion

Clients feeling disengaged at work should reflect on the factors contributing to their exhaustion, both personally and professionally. While overworking is a major player in burnout, family concerns, mental health issues or health problems can have an impact as well. Once they understand the causes, they can approach human resources and ask for support and resources. - Michael Timmes, Insperity

11. Focusing On The Top Three Things That Matter

One of the things that burnout, terminal illnesses or even unexpected life events can do to us is focus our attention on the wildly important. Now, we don’t have to wait for those extreme situations to start focusing on what really matters to us. Start focusing all your attention on the top three things that matter to you in life and on getting them in order. The rest is just noise. - Vinesh Sukumaran, Vinesh Sukumaran Consulting

12. Discovering What Is Really Concerning The Client

As coaches, asking short, open-ended questions helps our clients discover what’s really concerning them: “What do you feel unsure about? What’s the challenge? What’s needed now?” These questions allow the client to answer with no limits and get better insights. We can go beyond what they say the problem is to discover what’s really behind their dissatisfaction. - Kathleen Shanley, Statice

13. Practicing TRUST

Our approach is guided by TRUST: Transparency, Righteousness, Unwavering faith, Strength, and Thankfulness. Open dialogue fosters transparency, while righteousness ensures fair treatment. Unwavering faith in the client’s potential, strength in our strategies and thankfulness for their contributions will help uncover the root causes of their dissatisfaction, improving engagement and preventing burnout. - Farshad Asl, Top Leaders, Inc.

14. Remembering What Used To Make A Client Happy

The first step is remembering what used to make you feel engaged and happy at work. Are the factors still there? If not, perhaps this is the problem. If they are, maybe you are not challenged enough or aren’t able to bring your strengths to play. Or do you have too much on your plate? Maybe some relationships at work challenge you and drain your energy. Keep digging until the picture becomes clearer. - Pernille Brun, Session

15. Embracing Art Therapy Or Expressive Writing

My approach involves using art or writing as a form of self-expression to deal with stress and emotional turmoil. Clients could write about their feelings of burnout or use art to express their feelings in a nonverbal way. Based on the results obtained, we can discuss potential changes that could improve their work situation. - Andre Shojaie, HumanLearn

16. Practicing Self-Reflection

First, I’d recommend self-reflection, such as through journaling or mindful meditation, to uncover hidden stressors or dissatisfaction sources. Second, we would talk about their work environment, responsibilities, and personal aspirations, which might reveal problems. Lastly, we’d identify what brings joy and fulfillment and set new goals or make necessary changes. - Lital Marom, LITAL MAROM

17. Taking Time To Recharge First

When someone is burnt out, the first order of business is to help them recharge. That could mean more sleep, rest, time off, or other stress-reducing strategies. You can’t expect them to come up with solutions to fix the root causes of their burnout when they can’t fully access their mental capacity. Help them get immediate relief and stabilize, then engage in long-term problem-solving. - Neena Newberry, Newberry Solutions

18. Exploring When Clients Felt Most Fulfilled Professionally

Disconnecting or burning out at work can occur gradually when we’re missing something we didn’t know we needed, so it can be hard to pinpoint the cause. I offer my clients an exercise to explore when they’ve felt most fulfilled professionally. Through self-reflection, they distinguish what’s missing and which changes might restore satisfaction and fulfillment, whether that’s a mindset or job change. - Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, Bridgewell LLC Professional Services

This article was originally published in @Forbes.

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