How can we Cultivate Creative and Collaborative Teams?


Disruptive leaders strive to be coaches to unlock the ‘collective genius’ of their teams. They listen, practice empathy, and create psychological safety. Google’s research on teams found that psychological safety – the ability for team members to share ideas (especially crazy ones!), make mistakes, and admit when they don’t know – was the foundation of successful teams.

Collaboration is especially difficult now, during the pandemic.
As a leader, when having to make big decisions - you can use the breakout rooms functionality in ZOOM -- to break your team into small groups and have them go off and discuss how might they challenge your current strategy. For example, should we change our product as a result of the market place today? What are our marketing strategies, and what’s the best positioning? How can we increase loyalty to pre-existing customers today? Etc.

Get them to challenge the system so that you could harvest the power of the collective and UNLOCK NEW VALUE.

This video was captured post-Lital’s keynote at Experience Club TV, Brazil.

English AOT